Cultural science
Environmental education – the path to environmental responsibilityLarionova I. S., (Honorary worker of НРЕ Russian Federation, Doctor of Philosophy, professor, Moscow Skryabin State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia) Zheludeva E. V., (candidate of philosophical Sciences, Moscow State Humanities and Economics University)
P. 8-12 |
Transgenerational relations in the families of persons born in time of warTinkova E. L., (Doctor of Biology, associate professor, SBEI HE “Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute”
Stavropol city, Russia
) Katilevskaya J. A., (PhD in Pedagogics, associate professor, SBEI HE “Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute” Stavropol city, Russia ) Nosenko M. A., (PhD in Biology, teacher, FSCEI “Stavropol Presidential Cadet Institution” Stavropol city, Russia)
P. 47-52 |
The younger generation: ontological aspect Ushkanov A. F., (Senior teacher of supplementary education
Municipal budget institution of supplementary education
"Child Art Palace" of urban district "Yakutsk City")
P. 77-82 |