Tlemisova Aliya Danibekovna (post-graduate student of the Yаroslav State University named after P. G. Demidov; Senior Teacher of Kazakhstan Engineering and Pedagogical University of People's Friendship)
At the present stage in the system of higher education the effectiveness of pedagogical work is largely determined by the function of training in the process of obtaining knowledge by students: passive or active perception and assimilation of information (independent search, detection and use). The task of the teacher should be to maximize the cognitive activity of students, to develop their active, independent creative thinking, to indicate the necessary techniques and methods.
This article deals with the motivational basis of students ' cognitive activity. The author reveals the groups of motives that provide the most persistent interest in teaching.
Keywords:cognitive activity, motive, motivational basis, genes, innate personality traits.
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Citation link: Tlemisova A. D. Motivational basis of student’s cognitive activity // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2018. -№05. -С. 104-107 |