Pozharsky Stanislav Dmitrievich (candidate of philosophy, associate Professor, Smolny institute of the Russian Academy of Education)
The paper gives a reader an insight into preconditions for the formation of the rhythmological direction of scientific knowledge from the historical and philosophical points of view. The article reveals ontological, epistemological and axiological preconditions for the fundamental principle of rhythmology. Rhythm is considered as the relative position of parts of the cosmos. The attention is focused on the rhythm development in cosmogenesis. The author examines the problems of practical application of the rhythmology theory in achieving harmony of human relationships.
Keywords:rhythm, rhythmology, rhythm system, time, motion, extent, proportionality, alternation, the prime motion (pervodvizhenie), harmony, rhythm process.
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Citation link: Pozharsky S. D. The formation of rhythmology as a science in the epoch of antiquity // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2018. -№10. -С. 68-74 |