Zhucova Olga Ivanovna (Dr. of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Kemerovo State University)
Zhucov Vladimir Dmitrievich (PhD in philosophy, Kemerovo State Medical University)
The work addresses the problem of human existence in the modern information society. It reveals approaches to the consideration of the relationship between society and a person and the consequences of the impact of information on a person. Special attention is paid to the problem of communication as one of the main parameters of the socio-cultural reality.
Keywords:information society, man, sociocultural area, culture, value, criticism
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Citation link: Zhucova O. I., Zhucov V. D. The impact of information on human consciousness in contemporary socio-cultural reality // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2018. -№11. -С. 76-79 |