Utrobina Olga Petrovna (post-graduate student, FGOU VPO far Eastern Federal University )
Modernity is characterized by global social changes, which entails an existential crisis of the subject. Being human – being in a physical body among bodies. Raising the question of dreams, it is impossible to ignore the spirituality of human ability at the level of physicality to create imagery and simultaneous involvement of a man in the normativity governing bodies (M. Foucault) the Emergence of the concepts of "death of the subject", a "crisis of individuality", in the end, leads to the logical negation of the phenomenon of dreams as a creative manifestation of a free man. The author believes that the subject's attention to his body, self-reflection will help a person to create a successful project of himself.
Keywords:body, corporeality, subject, goal, dream, sensation, perception, imagery.
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Citation link: Utrobina O. P. The impact of human embodiment on the formation of dreams and goal setting // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2018. -№12. -С. 134-138 |