Kim E Sun (Applicant, Khabarovsk, Pacific National University (PNU))
At present, for the modern man, aimed at success in any kind of activity, it is important quality, as self-leadership, through which the individual controls himself with specific sets of behavioral and cognitive strategies. This phenomenon determines the relevance of the article – to create a Russified version of the questionnaire the revised self-leadership questionnaire (RSLQ), focused on assessing the level of self-leadership. The author attempts to make a two-way translation of the questionnaire, to assess its validity and relevance for the Russian society. The practical significance of the adaptation of RSLQ is the expediency of its use by psychologists in assessing the psychometric properties characteristic of the respondent’s self-leadership.
Keywords:self-leadership, self-leadership questionnaire, technique of diagnostics of self-leadership, Russified version of the revised self-leadership questionnaire (RSLQ)
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Citation link: Kim E. S. Technique of diagnostics of self-leadership // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№07. -С. 45-59 |