Rensh M. A. (Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Ural State Agrarian University )
Mikhailova V. A. (Senior Lecturer,
Ekaterinburg State Theater Institute
This article investigates the traits of determining the career orientations and their impact on the construction of the occupational concept. As important statistical indicators of the whole sample the work experience in the field of work, the level of education, the type of education, the change of place of work, the change of field of work, the attitude to the profession were considered. On the basis of the research done the author makes a conclusion that the allocated subgroups have differences between career orientations and personality characteristics, and that the perception of "self-real" and "self-ideal" is changing due to the professional activity.
Keywords:career orientations, professional groups, professional formation, professional competences, self-identity
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Citation link: Rensh M. A., Mikhailova V. A. Research of career orientations and personal characteristics of specialists of different professional groups // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№09. -С. 80-88 |