Penkov Victor E. (doctor of philosophical Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University)
Volochkov Ilia V. (President, International Academy of Troublehacking (IAT))
The issue of maintaining the stability of personality in rapidly changing conditions is explored in the article. The stability of any system is understood as its ability to return to its original state after exposure to external forces and its withdrawal from equilibrium. However, if the system has lost its stability as a result of a sharp change in external conditions, then a return to the initial stable state is impossible, and a new «standing point» must be found. The biggest problem is to switch from a static level of stability to a dynamic one is to find the comfort zone not in a steady state, but in a process of sustainable development. A modern researcher I.V. Volochkov offers an impact on the mental supersystems as a method of achieving such a result: a random-access memory mechanism for working with thoughts, internal speech for working with the interpretation of thoughts, and physical spasms for treating emotions. This method was introduced for scientific use in 2019 and was called «cognitive-body psychotherapy» by the author.
Keywords:cognitive-body psychotherapy, system, person, psychology, stability
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Citation link: Penkov V. E., Volochkov I. V. Cognitive-body psychotherapy as a necessary condition for stability of personality // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№12. -С. 84-87 |