Derevtzova E. A. (Kemerovo State Institute of Culture)
The issue of the impact of electronic media on the public and individual consciousness of modern man has firmly established itself at the center of attention, first of all, of Western, and then of Russian researchers, who actively comment on N. Luhmann and other recognized classics of communication. Today it is recognized that the entire system of mass communications forms new (distorting or “canceling out” old) sociocultural norms, up to the introduction of its “standards” against the background of weakening, and even the disappearance of the traditional foundations of social solidarity that traditionally historically shaped sociocultural norms: churches, schools, mass public organizations, parties, trade unions and even the state. This process is not unique and has its own characteristics.
Keywords:mass media, mass media, sociocultural norms, sociocultural standards,
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Citation link: Derevtzova E. A. Features of the formation of social-cultural norms by electronic means of mass information // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№03. -С. 8-11 |