Velikanova A. S. (Candidate of psychological sciences, Associate Professor, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Belgorod National Research University»)
Polschikov K. A. (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Belgorod National Research University»)
Shakina E. N. (Postgraduate, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Belgorod National Research University»)
The purpose of the article is to analyze domestic and foreign psychological literature from the point of view of the available approaches to solving the problem of diagnosing the professional orientation of a person, substantiate its relevance and develop the author's theoretical and methodological position of the study. It is shown that at the moment there is no generally accepted definition and typology of personality orientation, the question of identifying a single system of criteria for its classification remains open, there is no holistic psychological concept of the specialist's personality orientation at different stages of professionalization as a unity of theoretical positions and methods of its diagnosis and development. The diagnostic methods that are used for recruitment purposes are mostly based on the self-report of respondents about their orientation and do not allow to differentiate between the known and the actual orientation, and therefore, to sufficiently predict the effectiveness of professional activity and the level of psychological well-being of the individual. To identify the type of orientation of the personality of young professionals, it is proposed to develop a methodology for automated content analysis as an effective tool that allows you to obtain an objective formalized assessment of the social orientation of a professional.
Keywords:activity approach, value-semantic self-determination, personality orientation, internal and external motives of professional activity, content analysis.
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Citation link: Velikanova A. S., Polschikov K. A., Shakina E. N. Assessment of the personality orientation of young professionals based on automated content analysis: formulation of the research problem // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2022. -№03. -С. 35-41 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2022.03.01 |