Bashirov T. A. (PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor,
Sterlitamak Branch
of the Ufa University of Science and Technology
The article examines the problem of conflict in ancient Greek society as interpreted by G. Hegel. The solution to this problem is achieved through the analysis of the concepts of “tragedy”, “recognition”, “uniqueness”, “universality”. It was revealed that G. Hegel, pointing out the heterogeneity of Greek civilization, deduced from this the main social contradictions, which gave it both bright life-affirming features and introduced elements of tragedy and existential drama.
Keywords:society, conflict, recognition, tragedy, uniqueness, universality, G. Hegel.
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Citation link: Bashirov T. A. THE PROBLEM OF CONFLICT IN ANCIENT GREEK SOCIETY IN THE INTERPRETATION OF G. HEGEL // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2023. -№11. -С. 81-83 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2023.11.02 |