Temerina O. S. (Deputy Director General for Scientific, Methodological and Exhibition Work
All-Russian Art Research and Restoration Center named after Academician I.E. Grabar
The article explores non-traditional base material for graphic restorers – bast plant tetrapanax papyrifer. The first experience of conservation of graphics on the phloem of this plant by domestic specialists was noted. The history of the origin and manufacturing technology of Chinese export splints is described.
An overview of the existing domestic and foreign methods of conservation is given, on the basis of which the author's method of working with splints made on tetrapanax papyrifer was developed.
Keywords:conservation; graphic art conservation; tongcao; tetrapanax papyrifer; Chinese exportsplints; non-traditional base material for graphic art.
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Citation link: Temerina O. S. CONSERVATION EXPERIENCE CHINESE EXPORT SPLINTS ON TETRAPANAX PAPYRIFER IN GRAPHIC ART DEPARTMENT OF THE GRABAR ALL-RUSSIAN ART AND CONSERVATION CENTRE // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2024. -№11. -С. 32-36 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2024.11.18 |