Kovaleva Marina (Ph. D. Associate Professor,
Kursk Academy of State and Municipal Service
Orlova Elena (Ph. D. Associate Professor,
Kursk Academy of State and Municipal Service
The key provisions and final conclusions of the article are based on the works of Western representatives of the functionalist approach, domestic representatives of the activity approach to culture and normative theory of culture. The specifics of the object, goals and objectives of the research required the synthesis of functionalist, activity, normative approaches to culture to reveal the content of the concept of culture of marriage and family relations. The work is based on philosophical reflection of the cultural phenomenon from the position of social relations, which made it possible to study the culture of marriage and family relations through its genesis, reproduction of social functions in modern society. The sociocultural approach, which contributes to the creation of a holistic picture of views on the family and family relations from the perspective of culture, society and the individual; structural-functional approach, which allows us to consider the culture of marriage and family relations as a system of interrelated and interdependent elements. The article analyses the state of its functional elements (beliefs, value orientations and practices) philosophically to understand the prospects for the development of the culture of marriage and family relations in the postmodern society.
Keywords:family, marriage, postmodern society, representation, inculturation, culture of marriage and family relations, sociocultural reproduction, matrimonial behavior
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Citation link: Kovaleva M. , Orlova E. REPRESENTATION OF THE CULTURE OF MARRIAGE AND RELATIONS IN THE POSTMODERN SOCIETY IN THE LIFE OF YOUNG PEOPLE // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2024. -№04. -С. 63-67 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2024.04.05 |